to those suffering from the Israel-Gaza conflict.
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good things happen Raise money for charity
and personal causes
Raise money for charity and personal causes
Youssef Khalil
How do you bring hope to conflict zones? You start by helping the children.
Quickly and easily find the right cause to support. Join 953,128 people raising funds for those affected by the Israel-Gaza conflict.
We do not compare all charities or causes available, nor do we directly arrange donations. However, we will refer you to our trusted partners who can help. Learn more about our partnerships.
Latest Causes
Hope for Gaza’s Children — Support Qasim and Innocent Lives
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At the Ocean of Hope Foundation, our mission extends beyond charity work and reaches deep into the communities we serve.
We are Crowdhelp, a non-profit fundraising NGO. Our Crowdhope activities take place around the world. Join us in contributing to these efforts and help create a better life for those in need.
Crowdhelp, founded 25 years ago as the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP), is America’s most independent and proactive charity watchdog. CharityWatch goes beyond simply repeating a charity’s reports; we employ rigorous analysis rather than relying on simplistic or automated formulas.
We dive deep to provide insight into how effectively a charity utilizes your donations to fund the programs you wish to support. CharityWatch uncovers nonprofit abuses and advocates for transparency and accountability.